official blog

Hope for my birthday

This year I want to give  hope for my birthday and I need you to help me!

My family and friends always have a hard time trying to find the perfect present for me so I solved this problem for whoever wants to make me happy! And it gets better …with this little gesture you can help and give hope to children and adults who are suffering.

Just visit this link.

There you push the button “I want to make a donation”, you chose how much you want to give (it doesn’t matter the sum, every LEU can help! :)), you fill in the info and I receive the BEST PRESENT EVER!

I’m really excited about my collaboration with Hospice Casa Sperantei. It’s a great and inspiring cause because it helps you do an act of goodwill and affection.

I believe giving makes us happier and brings us closer to the world we would want to live in.

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”  – Mother Teresa

Peace and love,




Speranta de ziua mea


Anul acesta, imi doresc sa ofer speranta de ziua mea si am nevoie de ajutorul tau!

Cu un mic gest, poti ajuta si poti oferi speranta pacientilor de la Hospice Casa Sperantei.


Este o cauza in care imi doresc sa ne implicam cat mai multi dintre noi, pentru ca impreuna, putem face o fapta buna.

Cred ca oferind, devenim mai bune si contribuim macar cu putin la o lume frumoasa in care sa traim.

Doneaza aici!

„Nu contează cât dăruiești, ci cât de multă dragoste pui în ceea ce dăruiești.” – Maica Tereza



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