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What’s your Nirvana? 

#Nirvana #INNA #newsong #newalbum

What is NIRVANA?

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It’s my new baby. It’s out and it’s name is “NIRVANA”

Nirvana for me has a very simple meaning. It means “cool”, cause my new album is reeeeally cool! 🙂

 Your Nirvana might be when you listen to a song you love or when you go snowboarding.

My Nirvana is when I travel with my friends, see the world, eat tacos, drink beer and dance on raeggaeton :))


My Nirvana is my family and my team Global Records. Love you guys! I would never be able to do it without you!
My Nirvana is when I perform on the stage and I see your happy faces! It makes me fly and gives me a reason to never stop!
My Nirvana is music and making people happy. No matter where life takes me I will always try to make people happy.
My hope for this album is to help you find joy and peace of mind in this chaos called life.  Even if just a little bit! That is Nirvana!
There’s a lot of INNA in this album! And there’s a lot of you in this album! After all, I do this for you, you who are listening to my music!
Thank you for all your support!  You guys rock!

Now, about the album: “Nirvana” is my fifth studio album. You will find it exclusively in LIDL​ stores starting December 11th all around Romania.  For this record, I collaborated with multiple producers, including Sak Noel, Marcel Botezan, Sebastian Barac, Thomas Troelsen, Alex Cotoi and Vlad Lucan. I’m happy to say that I call most of them my friends, since we know each other and work together from a very long time.

And guess what? Three songs are in Romanian and starting now you cand listen my new single “Nirvana!” which reached more than 12 000 000 views on YouTube Enjoy!

Can’t wait to hear what you think about it!
For this single I worked with Barac Sebastian-Alexandru, Botezan Marcel, Lucan Vlad-Octavian and for the lyrics Thomas Troelsen and me 🙂
Care e Nirvana ta?
“Nirvana” e noul meu album. E aici si il puteti asculta!
Ce este Nirvana pentru mine?
Nirvana reprezinta un nou inceput. Un nou album si o noua sansa ca muzica mea sa ajunga la voi!
Nirvana este atunci cand calatoresc cu prietenii mei, cand vedem lumea si mancam tacos sau dansam pe raggaeton.
Nirvana este timpul petrecut alaturi de familia mea si echipa mea Global Records. Nu as putea sa fac nimic din tot ce fac fara voi!

Nirvana este atunci cand sunt pe scena si cant! Atunci cand vad fetele fanilor mei! Sunt cea mai fericita atunci cand fac alti oameni fericiti. Asta e motivul pentru care exista INNA​.

Acest album este inspirat de voi, cei care imi ascultati muzica si pentru voi.
Va multumesc pentru sustinere si pentru ca imi asculti muzica. Sunteti cei mai tari!

Albumul Nirvana este albumul cu numarul 5 din cariera mea. Il p​u​teti gasi exclusiv in magazinele LIDL​ din România începând cu  data de 11 Decembrie.

Am colaborat cu producatori ca Sak Noel, Marcel Botezan, Sebastian Barac, Thomas Troelsen, Alex Cotoi si Vlad Lucan. Pe majoritatea ii numesc prieteni, avand in vedere ca am lucrat pe albumele anterioare si ne cunoastem de ceva ani, ceea ce a facut ca munca la acest album sa nu mai poate fi numita munca​, ci un fel de party cu prieteni… Doar ca la studio 🙂

Abia astept sa aud parerile voastre despre acest single!

Peace and love,


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